Solutions to centimeter-level
Positioning solutions down to centimeter-level accuracy are supported with Indagon devices, location gateway, and applications.
We are experienced in a variety of positioning, location, and navigation technologies. GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) era started with the GPS constellation, and with added Galileo, BeiDou, and Glonass constellations, accuracy, and reliability have been improving. Assistance for GPS (DGPS, Differential GPS) and inertial navigation improve accuracy to the decimeter level. However, the RTK (Real Time Kinematics) assistance improves location accuracy to the centimeter level.
End-to-end portfolio
Our vehicle and stationary mounted devices provide location information on customer-required accuracy. Our positioning product family consists of standalone GNSS devices, location assistance sharing base station(s), and assistance-utilizing devices. Finally, our gateway solution aggregates position data and enables integration with different customer solutions.
Indagon actively enhances more accurate and reliable positioning technologies and applications. We specialize in different customer segments and close cooperation with research institutes and industries.
Use case: Differential positioning system for the Finnish railroad operator
A Finnish railroad operator required a solution that would provide real-time location of all locomotives for multiple purposes. Essential requirements included rail-level accuracy of positioning and open interfaces for internal and external applications.
Indagon responded with reliable data communication, precise positioning information, and train monitoring information. The failure diagnostics functionality was improved. It is in the railroad operator’s interest to prevent malfunctions beforehand. For ten years already, the Finnish railroad operator has used the Indagon differential positioning system to improve their system as described above. The operator currently pursues more applications utilizing accurate position information. The most visible ideas can be found in the service applications like remote management of locomotives in the railway yard and accurate positioning in tunnels and canyons.
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